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From the runway

Enigmatic Girl

My first fashion project coming out of lockdown.


Ta-da, I’m officially back to work! After nearly 5 months when most of my projects were put on hold due to the pandemic, I was finally back on set all day from early morning to late evening. Meeting the crew and shooting this collection is an experience to remember. Not only because the outcome is gorgeous.  but it also marks the ‘comeback’ of Saigon after a long time fighting against the pandemic.

The photoshoot is called “Enigmatic Girl,” a mysterious fashion muse that dances in colors and plays with light and shadow. All of the designs from the shoot was by Vietnamese designer Quach Dac Thang, whom I love because his clothes are always so creative Asian. And under the lens of photographer Tang Tang, the shoot became even more illusory and bold. A new me after the lockdown that I hope everyone loves! 

Photo: Tang Tang Studio

Stylist: Pham Bao Luan

Make up: Quy Doan

Hair: Thuong Gia Ky


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